Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Year Here,... Hear?

I've been at this blog thingy for a year now.
I've read over some of the entries and there are a few gaps I should fill.
 First off, the quail were eaten by a bear just a week or three after they were all settled in. If I take another go at critters (I'm thinking rabbits also) I will need to take the local bears a lot more seriously.  I guess a potent little electric fence set up. 

Next ,the accountant we were seeing has helped us see we are spending more than we are taking in. Not too surprising I guess, but I was getting so comfortable with denial. My focus has shifted to painting and offering my instruction abilities locally as an income generator. 
We don't need much, but more than was being generated by just building and gardening around home. So.....I've shamelessly posted my newest artwork on Facebook and priced it low for sale. It seems to be working. I've sold about 7 pieces and gotten commissions for 3. 

I've been accepted into a BC School Art enrichment Program where I am now on a roster made available to schools to peruse for artsy influence. I have billed myself as an old school drawing teacher, with a big wad of experience and glowing letters of endorsement . I hope to God someone out there sees what an asset it can be to kids to learn to draw step by step. Over the years I've seen so many kids light up when they complete a picture of a tree, or a shark , or a simple landscape. When I taught drawing weekly at a local Elementary school in WA, the kids would cheer when I walked in. OK, so that's a battery charge for both of us I hope to rekindle.

My next door neighbour's son was shot in a gangland shooting in Burnaby a few days ago.
An unimaginable senario. The kid was 30 and a faithful bodyguard to a drug guy. I've gotten close to Chris, the dad, and really feel for what he's going through. He's in "town" for the services. He is being attacked by his other kids for whatever shortcomings they feel he is responsible for. I hugged him before he left and said, "Be humble here Chris, I'm sorry is good, you won't win a battle here....even if you win, you lose, so be humble" He looked at me and said, "thank you brother". He looked pretty beat up as they drove away. I'm good at giving advice I don't have to take. 

We are trying to get home insurance. I wasn't even going to mess with it, but almost everyone you talk to about it eventually scares the crap out of us with probability stories of somebody slipping on a pile of bear shit in the yard and suing us for 75 million Canadian dollars. We are getting bids now. Actually no one has given a bid. They don't like how old our place is (1958 when 2x4's were two inches by four inches) They aren't fussy about board and bat, wood stove heat, concrete piers, quite a pain in the ass. Might be cheaper in the long run to surround our place with electric fence and "Keep Out" signs. I don't have a gun anymore. I'm pretty good with my slingshot. If the bear could talk he would agree.

Deborah finally got her Canadian Permanent Resident status established after only 2 years 
of paperwork and phone calls.

Our dear daughter Josephine visited us here recently and we want her to move here. But that's pretty much all about us, even though she might be thinking about it. We love her and like being close. Our kids are dual citizens.

We are going to Vancouver tomorrow morning early. Deb has a doc. appointment in West Van. We are going to stay with my tolerant sister Nancy and good ol' bro-in-law Pete in New Westminster and get a little last minute Christmas stuff done, then see our new lawyer  on Saturday to tie up our will stuff for the Canada laws. We don't have much but we want it going to the kids not the probate courts. 

I'm telling you right now, living the simple life is damned complex. HOWEVER...still gratefull, still amazed, still learning.


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